Recruiting underway

For current and prospective projects I am looking to boost my database of freelance translators.

We are currently looking to add to our database of professional translators, looking in particular for the following:
English > German, technical translation, all subject areas
German > English, technical translation, electrical engineering, construction machinery and technical documentation experts

I have a more general need for:

German <> Polish, German <> Dutch, German <> Spanish, all subject areas.

If you have Trados 2009/2011 or Across, are a native speaker of the target language and have two or more years of experience, please get in touch.

You can enter your details directly into our database, please click here to access the website.

Include your CV, rates and software you use.

If you have a profile, a link to that would be good. More details are available on request.

Edit: 03 May 2012: Sadly, a server error meant that the portal was not working for an hour or so this morning. It has now been sorted out and I welcome your entries to the form that is available on the site  here. If you have any questions, or thoughts, please drop me an e-mail, (info (at) wjms (dot) de ) and I will get back to you as soon as I can. The response to the advertisement on was outstanding! Thanks for your interest. We are now processing the applications, you will be informed of the next steps when we have approved your application. Additionally, I really am looking for people with a CAT tool – Trados 2009 or later or Across. Thanks,  James

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