Freelance Translator Recruitment

Freelance Translator Recruitment

Happy New Year from all of us at Heppe-Smith Technical Translation Ltd.

Are you looking for more work in 2015? We are recruiting! In particular, German to English translators (GB and US), although we would love to hear from other colleagues with different language pairs. Our client base is increasing and so is the volume of work. The majority of our work is in European languages and is technical in the main, however, we do get occasional queries from clients for other language pairs and in other areas, so if you are interested in being added to our database of freelance colleagues, please get in touch using the form as detailed below.

You should be a native speaker in your target language, have a minimum of 2 years translation experience, be degree qualified (not necessarily in translation) and use Trados 2009 or later. We now exclusively use Trados Studio 2014. If you have references which you can share, or a profile, please include the details so that we can check them.

How to apply

If you are interested in working with us, please enter your details in our recruitment portal. The portal is hosted on an SSL secured website, your details will be only used for the purposes of allocating freelance translation work and in accordance with our Data Protection policy, which you can find under our imprint and contact detail page. Our current terms and conditions for freelance translator colleagues can also be found there.

Click here to access the portal.

We are also always interested in hearing from freelance translators in other language pairs, the same criteria apply.

Please note:

Due to an increase in applications via e-mail, most of which turn out to be phishing attempts, or fraudulent, we will only respond to freelance colleagues who fill in the details on the website. Please do not send in your CV via e-mail, we will not respond to it.

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