Movember 2014

Well, it is that time of the year again where my top lip is excused razor duties. As for the last eleven years, please dig deep, and contribute if you will to my Movember effort.

Here’s the e-mail from Movember…

You may have noticed something a bit different about me. It’s not a haircut or a new t-shirt, I’ve made the decision to donate my upper lip to the Movember movement. Over the 30 days of November, I’m growing a moustache while raising funds and awareness for men’s health.

It’s been said that with a great (and not so great) moustache comes great responsibility. I’m reaching out today with hopes that you’ll donate to my moustache so that it may grow just that bit more.

I’m passionate about Movember because they are working tirelessly every day, connecting and funding the best scientific and clinical minds in the world, working towards two urgent goal: fast tracking a time when no man will die from prostate or testicular cancer, and to rid the world of discrimination against men and boys with mental health problems.

You can donate by:
Donating online at
Writing a cheque to ‘Movember’, referencing my registration ID: 2587110 and mailing it to: Movember Europe, PO Box 3, Diss, IP98 1HH

You can learn more about the important work and impact Movember is having at:

There’s a lot riding on this moustache, so thank you and I appreciate your support.

Mo Bro James Heppe-Smith


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